Pravilnik Full Manual lige (PS4)
-Osnovna pravila kod bodovanja:Liga se sastoji iz dva ranga takmičenja, “Seria A” i “Seria B”.Tokom sezone svaki klub igra protiv svakog dva puta (kod kuće i u gostima), za pobedu se dobija 3, za nerešeno 1 i za poraz 0 bodova. Timovi se rangiraju po broju osvojenih bodova, a ako je broj bodova isti kod dve ili više ekipa onda se ekipe rangiraju po gol razlici, a zatim po broju postignutih golova. -Promocija timova:Prva dva tima iz Serije B ulaze direktno u Seriju A umesto dva poslednja tima iz Serije A, dok trećeplasirani tim igra baraž sa trećim timom iz začelja Serije A. Baraž se sastoji iz jedne utakmice na neutralnom terenu, u slučaju nerešenog ishoda igraju se produžetci i penali.-Izbor timova i hendikep:Učesnici lige su dužni da izaberu originalan tim koji je deo PES 2016. Dva igrača ne mogu da izaberu isti tim. Timovi su podeljeni prema jačinama, i to u sledeće kategorije: A, B, C, D i E. Svaka od ovih kategorija ima hendikep, a hendikep se oduzima od konačnog broja bodova.Tablica hendikepa:
A= -18
B= -12
C= -8
D= -4
E= 0-Suspenzije zbog kartona:Igrač koji dobije crveni karton (ili dva žuta na jednom meču) dužan je da propusti sledeće kolo. Svaki učesnik lige je dužan da unosi podatke o kartonima na ENJORE (aplikaciju na mobilnom telefonu ili preko Ukoliko se ispostavi da je igrač pod suspenzijom odigrao meč njegov tim se kažnjava sa službenim porazom (1:0).-Dužnost učesnika pre i nakon odigane utakmice:Domaćin je dužan da unese rezultat, strelce i kartone na, ukoliko se ne dogovori drugačije sa protivnikom. Svaki igrač pre meča dužan je da pogleda da li ima suspendovanog igrača za kolo koje igra i prema tome da sastavlja tim za to kolo. -Podešavanja u ligaškim mečevima:Trajanje meča:15 minutaVreme za biranje tima i podešavanje formacije:LongProdužetci i penali: OFFPravilnik Full Manual kupa (PS4)
-Sistem takmičenja:Parovi za kup se izvlače nasumičnom metodom, nema povlašćenih timova. Igra se jedna utakmica, sa uključenim penalima i produžetcima. Osvajač kupa i osvajač Serije A igraju utakmicu Super Kupa koja je predviđena da se odigra pred početak naredne sezone.-Podešavanja u kup mečevima:Trajanje meča:15 minuta
Vreme za biranje tima i podešavanje formacije:LongProdižetci i penali:ON
Rules of the Full Manual league (PS4)
-Basic rules:
The league consists of two ranks of competition, “Series A” and “Series B”.
During the season all clubs play against each other twice (home and away). For every victory you get 3, 1 for a draw and 0 points for a defeat. Teams are ranked according to the number of gained points, and if two or more teams have the same number of points, they are ranked by goal difference and then the number of scored goals .
-Team promotion:
The first two teams from Series B directly enter the Series A instead of the last two teams in Series A, while the third-placed team contest the play-offs with the third team from the bottom of Series A. Play-offs consist of one match at a neutral stadium. In case of a draw, extra time and penalties will have to be played.
-The selection of teams and handicap:
The participants of the league have to choose an original team that is part of PES 2016. Two players can not choose the same team. The teams are divided according to their strenght into following categories: A, B, C, D and E. Each of these categories has a handicap. A handicap is deducted from the final number of points.
Handicap table:
A= -12
B= -9
C= -6
D= -3
E= 0
The player who receives a red card (or two yellow cards on the same match) has to pass the next round. Each league participant is required to enter the card data at the ENJORE (application on your mobile phone or via If it turns out that a player under suspension played a match, his team is penalized with official defeat (0: 1).
-Duties of the participants before and after the match:
The host is obliged to enter the result, scorers and cards on, unless it is otherwise agreed with the opponent. Before the match, each player has to to check if there is a suspended player for the round that is being played, and according to that to prepare the team for that round.
-Setting in league matches:
Match duration: 15 minutes
Time for choosing teams and setting formations: Long
Extra time and penalties: OFF
-Cup rules:
Cup pairs are ****ed randomly and there are no privileged teams. Only one game is played, including penalties and extra time. The cup winner and the winner of Series A play the Super Cup match , which should take place before the start of the next season.
-Setting in cup matches:
Match duration: 15 minutes
Time for choosing teams and setting formations: Long
Extra time and penalties: ON